Tuesday, May 24, 2011

greetings from michigan

i am in michigan at the new house for the week while my youngest daughter is at the beach with her senior class.

i live in the city. quite a change from our 3 acre homestead in ohio.
it is noisy. people walk past my house which feels strange but i kinda like it.

the mail carrier delivers mail to my front porch. i love mail. well, most mail...you can keep those pesky medical bills mr. mailman. can i say mailman these days? (no medical problems just crappy health insurance).

i hear church bells. there are big, mature trees everywhere. downtown is 1/2 a mile away. i can walk to coffee shops, bookstores and thrift stores and the cool church i want to go to.

stay tuned for more on 'country goes city'. :)

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